Spreading Seeds

Sharing God's word is like blowing on a dandelion and watching the delicate seeds being carried on the wind, only to fall to the ground and plant themselves in the soil. They multiply themselves many times over. I like to share scripture verses through images and post them online. I pray before posting and ask God to carry these "seeds" to whomever he wants to see them, so that he might speak to their hearts. Please feel free to download and share any Scripture Pix you find here and spread the seeds of encouragement and love.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Keep Praying!

Are you praying for someone who has stopped seeking God? Someone who has drifted so far away from Him that they do not even acknowledge His presence? 

Don't give up! 

Remember, Saul was not seeking God. Just the opposite. He was killing anyone who believed that God sent His Son, Jesus to bring us salvation. God suddenly revealed Himself to Saul on the road to Emmaus and that encounter so changed Saul that he became the Apostle Paul who penned most of the Bible and lived the rest of his life sharing Christ with others. 

Keep praying that God will reveal Himself to those who do not seek Him so that they may be saved.