Spreading Seeds

Sharing God's word is like blowing on a dandelion and watching the delicate seeds being carried on the wind, only to fall to the ground and plant themselves in the soil. They multiply themselves many times over. I like to share scripture verses through images and post them online. I pray before posting and ask God to carry these "seeds" to whomever he wants to see them, so that he might speak to their hearts. Please feel free to download and share any Scripture Pix you find here and spread the seeds of encouragement and love.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

God Rejoices Over You With Singing!

When you feel alone, God is with you.
When you are in trouble, He is mighty to save.
When you feel unloved, He takes great delight in you.
When you are upset, He will quiet you with His love.
And in all your days, no matter the circumstance, 
God is rejoicing over you with singing!

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The God Who Sees You

Your commitment to God, your prayers to Him, your love for Him does not go unnoticed. 

The things you do for others, the love you show them - they do not go unnoticed, for God sees your heart and the things you do to please him. He sees when you are on top of the world and when your heart is is a deep pit, for He loves you, dear child and his desire is to pour out blessings and strength on those who are fully committed to Him. Rest assured, His eyes are on you right this minute.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Remember to Pray for Others

Friends. Where would we be without them? And yet, it's all too easy to get busy and forget to stay in contact with our friends. That's one reason I love Facebook. I am able to know what's happening in my friends and family's lives and when I see a post from them, I am reminded to pray for those I love. If you're reading this, I'm already praying for you...even if I don't know you, because I believe that God has led you here for words of encouragement. He loves you that much!

Friday, July 19, 2019

A Fresh Start Every Morning

No matter how bad things look when we lay our head on the pillow, we can be assured that when morning comes, the Lord still loves us and will have mercy on us, for He is faithful.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

He Puts a Song of Praise in my Heart

He is my strength, my song and my salvation.
Forever I will praise Him
Forever I will live my life to exalt Him!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Heavens Declare His Glory

There's just something about the sky that brings me to a place of awe. Whether it's a starry night, a clear day with puffy clouds or a stormy sky - I am amazed and always brought to worship of the One who created the heavens and the earth.

Monday, July 8, 2019

Bless a Stranger

You will never look into the eyes of a person that God does not love. So when you see someone in need, ask the Lord if you can help in some small way to show them His love by meeting a need.

Sweeter than Honey

When God's word touches your heart, when it speaks to your needs, when it becomes the best part of your day, you wouldn't dream of starting the day without it.

Set aside a few moments each morning to allow the Lord to bless you through His Word.

Joyful Giving

Generosity - Joyful Giving

This pleases the Lord and opens the door for blessings to be poured into our lives. Whether it be money, time, encouragement, provisions, love, kindness, etc., the Lord honors our trust in Him as our provider. 
Freely giving exercises our faith. 
Who will you bless today?

The Secret Things of God

God has many wonderful things in store for us. As we seek Him with all our hearts, as we call on Him, He has promised to reveal them to us. What an adventure!

Spiritual Workout - Valuable in Every Way

We all know that exercise is good for our health. It benefits our muscles, our hearts and our over-all health. Likewise, spiritual exercise is good for us in many ways. Where physical exercise keeps us going strong physically, spiritual exercise keeps us strong mentally and emotionally. We can access this spiritual exercise by reading the Bible and meditating on God's Word. We can read good Christian books, listen to and apply good preaching and we can pray. 

Spiritual exercise is even better with friends. Find yourself a spiritual workout partner and strengthen each other.

Consider the Night Sky

City dwellers seldom see the night sky in all its glory, but get away from the lights of the city and a majestic canopy spreads above us, displaying the glory of God's handiwork. When was the last time you got away to observe the Heavens.

Peaceful Sleep

Sometimes our restless minds kick into high gear the minute our heads hit the pillow. Rather than dwell on our worries, the events of the day, or what we might face tomorrow, dwell on this scripture.

Under the Good Shepherd's Care

Under the tender care of Jesus, our Shepherd, we have no reason for worry. He will provide, protect and lead us in paths of righteousness. Humble yourself to His leadership and live a life of peace.

Keep Looking Up

Sometimes we look everywhere but up 
for answers to our problems. 
God is the source of our help. 
Keep looking up!

The Joy of the Lord

The joy of the Lord goes beyond happiness. It resides deep within and carries us through life's darkest moments. It lightens the mood and causes us to rise above life's difficulties. Let it bubble up inside you and then let it spill over onto those around you


In Quietness and Trust is your Strength

When our world is turned upside down and our decisions have led us to a place of despair, repentance and resting in the salvation that Jesus offers will restore our soul. As we wait in quietness and trust, He will renew our strength, but God will not force upon us that which we refuse to receive from Him. We have to ask and open our hearts to receive. He is waiting with open arms


Make a Joyful Noise

Some may call my singing caterwauling, 
but I call it making a joyful noise to the Lord.

Peace for your Troubled Heart

In a world filled with turmoil, God invites us to put our trust in Him, rather than let our hearts be troubled and afraid. As we do so, He will fill us with his incredible peace. Ask Him for it now.