Spreading Seeds

Sharing God's word is like blowing on a dandelion and watching the delicate seeds being carried on the wind, only to fall to the ground and plant themselves in the soil. They multiply themselves many times over. I like to share scripture verses through images and post them online. I pray before posting and ask God to carry these "seeds" to whomever he wants to see them, so that he might speak to their hearts. Please feel free to download and share any Scripture Pix you find here and spread the seeds of encouragement and love.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

God's Word Never Fails

When God prompts you to share a scripture, he has a purpose and a person in mind. According to Isaiah 55:10-11, it will not fail to accomplish all He wants it to and He will carry it to those He meant it for. Keep sharing His word. It is powerful enough to change lives.

My Joy and My Heart's Delight

The holiday season brings lots of goodies that delight our taste buds, but for real fulfillment, real joy, real delight - feed on the Word of God. It will satisfy, teach, comfort and guide you through life.

Be a Doer, not a Hearer Only

"You can’t just learn God’s Word and accept God’s Word. 
You have to do what the Bible teaches. 
You don’t get blessed for the parts of the Bible you know. 
You get blessed for the parts of the Bible you do."
 - Rick Warren

Want to walk in God's blessings? Then be a doer of His Word, not a reader only.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Light of Life

For some, darkness seems to close in during the holiday season. 
Let John 8:12 remind you that Jesus is the Light 
that banishes the darkness.