Spreading Seeds

Sharing God's word is like blowing on a dandelion and watching the delicate seeds being carried on the wind, only to fall to the ground and plant themselves in the soil. They multiply themselves many times over. I like to share scripture verses through images and post them online. I pray before posting and ask God to carry these "seeds" to whomever he wants to see them, so that he might speak to their hearts. Please feel free to download and share any Scripture Pix you find here and spread the seeds of encouragement and love.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Trusting His Promises

We know that we can trust the promises of God,
because they are backed by the honor of his Name.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Worship is our Weapon

 Worship is our weapon against discouragement. If you are facing discouragement today, fight the battle with the weapon of worship. Praise God for what he has done, and watch how your discouragement is turned into courage, your fear is turned to faith, and your anxiety is turned into peace.

That's Life Changing

 Because of Jesus we need not be afraid to approach God. He invites us to come to him boldly and with confidence. That's life-changing!

 Be holy? Now, that's a tall order! But not so much when you know the biblical meaning of holiness.

It doesn't mean perfect living, it means that Christians live a life that is set apart, reserved to give glory to God. It is a life of discipline, focus, and attention to matters of righteous living. It's a life fully surrendered to God in a way that transforms our lives to God’s glory rather than conforming our lives to the ways of the world.

Still sound like a tall order?. Well, it kind of is, but don't worry - it's the Lord at work in us that brings holiness about. Our part is just to stay close to him and cooperate when he points out something in our lives that needs to change. He will work in us to bring us to holiness. 

Oh yeah- and that part about being at peace with everyone. He meant that.

He Carries Me

 He has carried me through thick and thin, from birth to gray hair, and I have no doubt that He will carry me past death and into Heaven.

Nothing is Impossible with God

 The biggest cause of faith being wasted is one’s inability to recognize that, while God created logic, He is not bound by it. While God created our ability to reason, our ability to reason does not supersede God’s power. While God created our senses, our senses do not dictate God’s behavior, nor do our senses perceive all that God is doing. 
(excerpt from Fueled by Faith on YouVersion bible app Bible.com)

Weary? Worn out?

Tired of living a life you're not proud of?
God is ready to forgive and refresh your life.
All you have to do is...

Rise - Shine - Praise


How to start your morning right.

Is God Missing in Action?

 Why does it sometimes seem as if God is so far away when you're going through a stormy season in life? Didn't he promised To be with us always? (Isaiah 41:10)

And why does he hide himself In times of trouble? Perhaps we feel this way because we are so focused on the storm that we can't discern His presence. What can we do?

He gave us the answer in Jeremiah 29:13 - "You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart."

Let's take our eyes off our problems and seek the Lord. He is as close as the air you breathe. Seek Him and you will find Him.

Be kind, be generous...

...be BLESSED.

Living in a Tough World

There's a lot of wickedness strutting around these days,
approving and honoring what is vile before God.
But God is still in control. In the end, the wicked will pay.

Most Valuable Possession

If I don't have the Lord, I don't have anything.


 Just gonna leave this right here...

People Pleasing

 People pleasing is exhausting.
Just live in a way that pleases God.

It might be my own fault.

 Let's get honest about our own foolish choices that landed us where we are. Rather than blame God, let's turn to Him, ask forgiveness and ask for His help.

Not sure which path to take?

If we seek God's will through prayer
with a heart to do His will,
He will show us the right path to take.

We all have at least one area that we just can't seem to get a hold of.
Mine is overeating. Posting this to remind myself to let the Holy Spirit guide my eating habits.

Need Healing?

God has healed me so many times and in so many ways.
How has He healed you?

Who are you praying for today?

 Praying for others is the most loving thing we can do.

Victory is found in God

So many times we try to fight in our own strength
when it's the Lord who is ready to lead us into victory.
Why? Because He loves us.

 Why? Why do we sometimes lay the blame on God when we find ourselves in difficult situations that are really of our own making?

A Song in Your Heart

 Do you sometimes wake up with a song of praise in your heart?
That's because a heart that is settled and
steadfast on loving God can't help but sing His praises.

What's in your heart?

 You can try to portray yourself as something you're not, but eventually what's in your heart spills out from your mouth and shows in your actions, revealing the real you.

What are you thinking?

We needed to think about what we're thinking about,
because our thoughts determine our actions.
That can be a good thing or a bad thing
depending on what's we're thinking about most of the time. 

Enjoy the Fruit

If God's Spirit lives inside you 
(and He does if you've decided to follow Jesus),
then He's at work in you to fill
your life with the fruits of the Spirit.


Can You See It?

Everything may look the same on the surface, but every day, God is at work doing a new thing in this world...a new thing in our lives. Keep your eyes open and look to see what He may be doing.

Kick Anxiety to the Curb

 Ready to exchange anxiety for a heavy dose of peace?

Something Good is Going to Happen

God is at work to bring something good out of everything that happens to you... even the bad stuff!
He will use it to do you good. And that's a promise..
.not my promise, but HIS!

There's Always a Way Out

 People often read this verse, focusing on the first part, but it's best to zero in on the last part. Whenever temptations comes - and it will come - God always provides a way out. We do not have to give in to temptation.

Feel Yourself Drifting Away from God?

 It does no good to go to church, read your bible or pray...if you have absolutely no intention of letting God change your heart. In fact it may have the opposite result. The more you hear about God and read his word, ignoring what you've heard, the harder your heart becomes, causing you to drift away from Him. It can be summed up like this- go to church, read your Bible and pray, paying attention, truly listening to God with a heart willing to obey and allow him to change us.

Don't Give Up!

 When we've been doing our best at work. When we've been trying hard to get past the hurt. When we've been praying for that need. And nothing seems to be happening, remember...

Why we're Blessed

 Counting my blessings this morning and being reminded of why God blesses our lives.

The Secret

Want to know the secret to a fulfilling and joyful life?
Invite God in and see what He does.