Spreading Seeds

Sharing God's word is like blowing on a dandelion and watching the delicate seeds being carried on the wind, only to fall to the ground and plant themselves in the soil. They multiply themselves many times over. I like to share scripture verses through images and post them online. I pray before posting and ask God to carry these "seeds" to whomever he wants to see them, so that he might speak to their hearts. Please feel free to download and share any Scripture Pix you find here and spread the seeds of encouragement and love.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

 Be holy? Now, that's a tall order! But not so much when you know the biblical meaning of holiness.

It doesn't mean perfect living, it means that Christians live a life that is set apart, reserved to give glory to God. It is a life of discipline, focus, and attention to matters of righteous living. It's a life fully surrendered to God in a way that transforms our lives to God’s glory rather than conforming our lives to the ways of the world.

Still sound like a tall order?. Well, it kind of is, but don't worry - it's the Lord at work in us that brings holiness about. Our part is just to stay close to him and cooperate when he points out something in our lives that needs to change. He will work in us to bring us to holiness. 

Oh yeah- and that part about being at peace with everyone. He meant that.

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